Collard Family Photo

Collard Family Photo

Many have noticed that the family photo in Chad’s office is a little outdated. My poor husband has begged on many occasions for me to print the new family photo. Chad’s mom has asked for new photos of the kids and I’ve never gotten around to it. I realized that I needed to improve when my sister-in-law printed a family photo for my mother-in-law off of Facebook. I really hate scrapbooking and I am afraid that my kids will inherit a hard drive of photos. However today I’m enjoying the small successes. Thanks to my friend and photographer @chariseprestonphotography I have printed photos for both the office and my mother-in-laws house. Next time you are in the office be sure to notice the current family photo.

Our patients feel more like family.





Monday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Tuesday: 2:30–6
Wednesday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Thursday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Friday: 8–12

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