Your summer plans depend on your good health

Your summer plans depend on your good health

Do you have fun summer plans? Do you want to garden, travel, play with the kids, or finish a summer project? We can help with that.

Nothing will derail your summer plans like your health. Chiropractic and acupuncture are not just for when you are in pain but also for prevention. One of my favorite quotes that I have based my career as your chiropractor is from Thomas Edison “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Chiropractic and acupuncture, proper nutrition, and daily movement in my opinion are three things that are essential building blocks to a healthy mind and body that functions for everyday life.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”


Movement such as walking is the number one thing you can do for your health. Your movement and muscles have more impact on your health than your weight. I am passionate about studying health and fitness. I get a lot of my information from books and podcasts that I trust, as well as my education in chiropractic. When you incorporate regular daily movement like going for a brisk walk to get your heart rate up or yard work you will be healthier. Adding weight adds even more benefit to your health. Why? Because the muscle has been called the longevity organ. I recently got my 80-year-old dad to go to the gym to lift weights, ride the bike, and walk on the treadmill. He tells me all the things he can do now easier than he could before. Adding weight training to the elderly will decrease the risk of falls and osteoporosis but there are neurological and cognitive benefits as well.

Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Our bodies feel good when our joints move freely and our body’s energy and fluid flow like clear water in a river.

Chiropractic is the study and manipulation of the joint to improve the movement of the joints in the body. Acupuncture is the balancing out of the flow and movement of energy in the body. Basically, as your chiropractor, I am a doctor of movement. When you think of a rusty hinge or backed-up stagnant water compare them to yourself. Do my legs and back feel good when they are like rusty hinges? Do I feel good when my organs have stagnant energy and mucky fluid built up? It is gross when we say it like that but our bodies feel good when our joints move freely and our body’s energy and fluid flow like clear water in a river. This prevents disease and increases our immune system.


Our bodies are overfed and undernourished.

Notice I said nutrition not diet. Nutrition is getting enough of the calories you need to build and maintain healthy muscle as well as providing the vitamins and minerals for each cell to function. When you eat better you feel better, when you feel better you can do more of your summer activities. Often our bodies need more quality nutrients and it is necessary to supplement through Standard Process Whole Food Supplements. I use this specific brand because of its health benefits and quality. I use them daily and my family uses these supplements daily as well because we notice how we feel and they work. An easy way to improve your nutrition is by adding a variety of vegetables, especially greens to your food. Be tricky by adding veggies to your sauces or soups. My wife will roast veggies and blend them up with spices to make a sauce. Get creative, but it can also be as simple as eating an apple. The point that I am trying to make is that we are overfed and under nourished. Another way to improve our health through diet is to add protein to our diet. As we age we need more protein to help maintain the muscle mass that we have. It also helps us to feel more full and will help us to not overeat. When you make these changes you will feel healthier.

Summer is a great time to start new healthy habits. These healthy habits will help you enjoy the summer how you want to. Hopefully, this has encouraged you to get outside, get moving, and eat all the yummy flavors summer has to offer. We are always here for you. If you have questions about supplements we can help. Or call to schedule an appointment at 801-569-1141.

To learn more about Collard Chiropractic click here.

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Monday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Tuesday: 2:30–6
Wednesday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Thursday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Friday: 8–12

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