Category Archives: Chiropractic Education

Don’t Fall Apart in December, Just to Rebuild in January.

The holidays can be a hectic time of year causing stress to our body both physically and emotionally. With being busy running errands, rushing to activities, changes in season and cold weather along with the lack of sun we are bound to show some stress. Here are a few reminders to prevent any setbacks with the New Year.

Seek the Sun

This time of year we tend to hibernate inside and we are not built for hibernation. We need the sun and the light. I love this saying: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” I’m not sure who said it first, but they were wise. Just like having the proper gear this time of year to handle the weather, having the right supplements will help us manage the shorter days and lack of sunshine. Our bodies utilize sunlight and helps our body make vitamin D. Vitamin D is used to help our immune system become stronger. It aids in the absorption of calcium which is crucial to our health and is used to help in many functions of our body. One such function is the releasing of muscles fibers that when we are low in calcium, will cause muscle cramping and spasms. Since we don’t see the sun as much due to the shorter days and the cold weather keeping us inside, adding vitamin D to your daily supplements is a great thing. Not all D’s are the same. We have a Standard Process Cataplex D that I would recommend. Here is an article that I wrote “Build Your Immune System.”


Seems counter intuitive but forgetting about ourselves and serving others, is a great way to build ourselves up. It’s interesting the studies about service and gratitude and the effects on our mental and physical well-being. When we look outside ourselves toward others we tend to see more of a positive affect on us as well as those we are helping. There are also many benefits of gratitude. When we practice having gratitude we see better emotional and social well being. We tend to have less depression and better sleep. I have seen some studies that showed that those that were more grateful lived longer and had almost a 10% lower risk of dying in the next four years than those that were less grateful with even taking into consideration their physical health, mental health, and social economic standards.


Don’t fall apart comparing yourself to others all season. The Holidays are stressful enough without the added stress of thinking someone else’s life is more perfect than ours. Not only that but how do you feel after holding the phone for an hour while scrolling? Our necks, upper back, low backs, and even carpel tunnel and thumb arthritis is all flared up with long periods of scrolling. I know from personal experience time just gets away from me from endless scrolling. Set up timers on our social media accounts that will turn off after a set time limit. Unplug and be present to those around you and enjoy the holiday season with those who are all around us physically.

Acupuncture for Energy & Stress Relief

Each season is represented in acupuncture and different energy pathways are at their peak depending on the season. Winter is represented by the water element and the kidney and bladder are the two organs associated with the water element. The kidney is the source of all energy (Qi) in our bodies. During the winter months it is vital to nourish our kidney energy or Qi. We can help nourish this energy by eating warm foods like soups and stews and also warm drinks like tea. Another way is to do acupuncture that helps support the kidney and bladder meridians (pathways) and boost our immune system. By using very small needles placed in specific points along these pathways we can boost the energy and balance out the other pathways as well in order to optimize the function of our bodies. Acupuncture can be a very calm and relaxing way to help not only boost our energy but to reduce the body’s stress levels. It is surprising how relaxing an acupuncture treatment can be even though you have tiny needles placed in the body. The most common question that I’m asked is if the needles with hurt. Most people are surprised how painless a treatment is and often mention how relaxed they felt. If you have any questions about if acupuncture can benefit you please don’t hesitate to call the office or ask me on your next visit.


Use it or lose it. I say this all the time but I also need reminders so you might too. Daily activity is the best way to prevent issues as well as rehab from preexisting issues. Chiropractic is a great way to keep locked up joints moving. That can be in your spine or any of your extremities. Proper movement will prevent wear and tear. I’m sure you’ve heard me tell you that one of the most important things to do is move. Many patients ask what is the best thing to do to help keep me pain free. One of the top activities is movement, specifically walking. I love walking because you don’t have an excuse. You don’t need a gym membership or any fancy equipment to walk. I’m also not talking about “long” walks. I’m more interested in shorter walks/movements that we do throughout the day. If you work at a computer, getting up every 30-45 mins with help keep the joints mobile and not as stiff at the end of the day.

Prioritize Protein

This time of year also brings wonderful get-togethers with friends and family. There is a notion that we gain weight over the holiday season. I’m not exactly sure if this is true or a just a myth but either way we can enjoy family parties and get-togethers better without worrying or feeling guilty about food. Many of us our trying to do our best and are tempted by the many delicious foods that we are confronted with during this season. I have a few helpful hints on making it a little less stressful to an already stressful time. There are things that I will do prior to going to the party compared to the choices that I will make once I’m at the party. Here are a few suggestions that may help you. When I am at home, before the party when I’m in a better decision making frame of mind, I prioritize eating protein. I will drink a protein shake, eat the leftover chicken in the fridge, or have a cup of cottage cheese or Greek yogurt prior to going. This helps with blood sugar levels, increases metabolism and helps satiate my hunger cravings while I’m at the party. Plus I just make better choices with portions if I’m not starving. It will also help me feel less guilty in eating a piece of pie or cake knowing that I’ve had my proteins for the day. Party menus are mostly high in fats and carbs, which aren’t bad, but we tend to eat those more because they taste good and are easy to digest. One of the most harmful ways to add extra calories is to drink those calories. High sugar drinks and alcohol add many calories but don’t provide much satiating benefits. We can enjoy the time we spend together with loved ones without feeling the guilt of overindulging by utilizing some of the simple suggestions listed above.

These are just a few ideas that I have thought of to make this time of year more enjoyable and reduce the stress that also accompanies this season. Hopefully this is a list to help inspire you to come up with your own ideas.

On a more personal note, our family is growing. I am officially a father-in-law. Our oldest daughter got married and we are very happy for them. They make a great team! We are excited for what their future holds. It has been fun for our son as well to now have a brother. We want to wish you a Merry Christmas. From our family to you!

With Love, The Collard Family

Learn more by going to our website here.

check out our youtube channel for helpful videos as well as some of Dr. Collards adventures.

Your summer plans depend on your good health

Do you have fun summer plans? Do you want to garden, travel, play with the kids, or finish a summer project? We can help with that.

Nothing will derail your summer plans like your health. Chiropractic and acupuncture are not just for when you are in pain but also for prevention. One of my favorite quotes that I have based my career as your chiropractor is from Thomas Edison “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Chiropractic and acupuncture, proper nutrition, and daily movement in my opinion are three things that are essential building blocks to a healthy mind and body that functions for everyday life.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”


Movement such as walking is the number one thing you can do for your health. Your movement and muscles have more impact on your health than your weight. I am passionate about studying health and fitness. I get a lot of my information from books and podcasts that I trust, as well as my education in chiropractic. When you incorporate regular daily movement like going for a brisk walk to get your heart rate up or yard work you will be healthier. Adding weight adds even more benefit to your health. Why? Because the muscle has been called the longevity organ. I recently got my 80-year-old dad to go to the gym to lift weights, ride the bike, and walk on the treadmill. He tells me all the things he can do now easier than he could before. Adding weight training to the elderly will decrease the risk of falls and osteoporosis but there are neurological and cognitive benefits as well.

Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Our bodies feel good when our joints move freely and our body’s energy and fluid flow like clear water in a river.

Chiropractic is the study and manipulation of the joint to improve the movement of the joints in the body. Acupuncture is the balancing out of the flow and movement of energy in the body. Basically, as your chiropractor, I am a doctor of movement. When you think of a rusty hinge or backed-up stagnant water compare them to yourself. Do my legs and back feel good when they are like rusty hinges? Do I feel good when my organs have stagnant energy and mucky fluid built up? It is gross when we say it like that but our bodies feel good when our joints move freely and our body’s energy and fluid flow like clear water in a river. This prevents disease and increases our immune system.


Our bodies are overfed and undernourished.

Notice I said nutrition not diet. Nutrition is getting enough of the calories you need to build and maintain healthy muscle as well as providing the vitamins and minerals for each cell to function. When you eat better you feel better, when you feel better you can do more of your summer activities. Often our bodies need more quality nutrients and it is necessary to supplement through Standard Process Whole Food Supplements. I use this specific brand because of its health benefits and quality. I use them daily and my family uses these supplements daily as well because we notice how we feel and they work. An easy way to improve your nutrition is by adding a variety of vegetables, especially greens to your food. Be tricky by adding veggies to your sauces or soups. My wife will roast veggies and blend them up with spices to make a sauce. Get creative, but it can also be as simple as eating an apple. The point that I am trying to make is that we are overfed and under nourished. Another way to improve our health through diet is to add protein to our diet. As we age we need more protein to help maintain the muscle mass that we have. It also helps us to feel more full and will help us to not overeat. When you make these changes you will feel healthier.

Summer is a great time to start new healthy habits. These healthy habits will help you enjoy the summer how you want to. Hopefully, this has encouraged you to get outside, get moving, and eat all the yummy flavors summer has to offer. We are always here for you. If you have questions about supplements we can help. Or call to schedule an appointment at 801-569-1141.

To learn more about Collard Chiropractic click here.

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Ice, Ice, Baby!!!

I sound like a broken record but I will keep saying it; ICE any new injury or flare-up. Ice is a natural anti-inflammatory that relieves pain similar to ibuprofen.

When patients put a heating pad on their back pain all weekend, I can guarantee that they will be in the office in pain on Monday. My goal is to educate patients and keep them feeling better, pain-free, and enjoying their weekends. So as Vanilla Ice said in the ’90s; “Ice Ice Baby.”

Follow the icing instructions.

  • Ice for 20 minutes
  • Take off for 1 hour
  • Repeat, as many times as possible

Getting little kids to put ice on a new injury is not easy. But it will help with swelling and pain. Try using the tricks we used with our kids. We had a cute washcloth hand puppet that we used as an icepack cover. We also had a teddy bear that had a shirt so we would slip the icepack under the bear’s shirt and have our little kid, with the bump on their head, lay on the teddy bear. Our kids were always climbing up and falling off something so we just got creative. Friends would laugh because if anyone got hurt at our house our kids would go get an ice pack.

We began making ice pack covers years ago when my nephew needed a scout project. He came up with and made ice pack covers for my office. They were a big hit, especially the University of Utah pattern. As fast as he and grandma were making covers they would sell out. He wasn’t planning on making it a career as a 14-year-old so after a while, we didn’t have any available but patients would still ask. My wife Missy, learned how to sew just to make the ice pack covers. Now we have a steady supply of covers in a variety of fabrics. We sell them at cost just to offer great service and a great product to you.

Our ice packs are the best because they get really cold and they will conform to any body part. I like using them with our covers because it provides the perfect barrier for your skin and they are washable and soft.

Ice Packs $5.00

Covers $5.00

Click here for more products available at our office.

Chiropractic Adjustment for Toddlers

I love helping little kids feel better, it is very rewarding and they respond very quickly.

-Dr. Chad Collard

Many parents are concerned that the chiropractic adjustment will hurt their baby. Dr. Collard adjusts his technique for each individual, infants and toddlers require a very different approach. Check out this video that helps show one technique for this toddler.

Now are you wondering if your child could benefit from chiropractic care? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did my child have a traumatic birth?
  • Do they have ear infections?
  • When my toddler was an infant did they act colicky?
  • Do they move their head left and right without restricted movement?
  • Do they or have had torticollis?
  • Do they have a misshaped head?
  • Do they crawl with equal extension of left and right arms and legs?

The best time to have your child adjusted is as young as possible. Dr. Collard has special techniques for a new born. Many conditions can be prevented by having proper movement in each joint as well as clear nerve signals to and from the brain. But don’t worry, toddlers respond very quickly to an adjustment and usually only require 1-3 adjustments.

Check out our Infant & Child Care page for more information.


Shoulder pain is hard to get relief and it is painful. Shoulder pain is usually caused by overworking or in this case weight lifting when the joint is not in proper alignment.

Your shoulder has an impressive range of motion not just in and out but around. If it is not in the proper alignment it will create friction and pain to the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles surrounding the shoulder. Prevention is a big deal when it comes to a shoulder.

First I make sure that the joint is in proper alignment. I do this by testing the muscles for weakness in each direction. Testing tells me which direction the joint needs to move or where it is locked up. The adjustment in the proper direction puts the joint into the proper placement and creates proper movement.

Then we treat the shoulder with acupuncture. This brings healing to the area and reduces inflammation that causes pain. Acupuncture has proven over and over to be a very effective way to speed up the healing process.

Prevention like they say is always the best medicine. I educate my patients to ensure that when weight lifting they use proper form, this will keep your shoulder healthy. Quick simple tips that I can give you would be lightweight movements to increase stability, avoiding crazy lifts that put your shoulder at risk, and locking in or engaging your shoulders before each rep to offer stability. I’ll link here a website that is accurate and gives great prevention tips for shoulders.

The sooner we can treat the shoulder the better. It will more damage and get you out of pain. Don’t wait to give us a call to schedule 801-569-1141.

To learn more about Collard Chiropractic & Acupuncture click here.

Big “Pops” on YouTube

When I watch chiropractic videos on YouTube I cringe. They are always titled something like “Big Pops” or “Huge Cracks” with straps and towels around the neck and yanking. It’s all pretty dramatic, scary and unnecessary. The goal is to get results and gentle often is best.

Many people I talk to have never been to a chiropractor before. I mostly hear that it is because they are scared. Understandably so if they are watching YouTube. I adjust my patients how I would like to be adjusted, gently.

In my office I have several ways of adjusting, customized to each person. Gentle adjustments with the arthrostim or activator tool are great for the elderly, toddlers, or anyone who is nervous. Providing the same results with a more gentle approach.

As we keep each joint in the body moving freely it will reduce pain and prevent chronic pain in the future. The end goal is to feel better and get out of pain so that you can keep doing the things you love.

Learn more about adjustments in our office by clicking here.


Acupuncture stimulates our natural energy pathways. Telling the body to bring attention to a specific area promoting healing and natural function. This is very effective when treating chronic sinuses problems.

Often with chronic sinus infections we go to the doctor and get a prescription or just deal with it. Acupuncture will help the sinus to drain and when the area is clean and dry it will heal, same with ears. Dr. Collard has helped many with Sinusitis find long term relief and healing.

Click here to learn more about how we use chiropractic and acupuncture to treat sinuses.


Acupuncture has shown beneficial to increase fertility with no risks. In our office Dr. Collard uses strategic points on the abdomen, hands or feet to increase blood flow and balance spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body aiding in reproductive health.

Treatments are safe and affordable and can help anytime before expensive IVF treatments or during IVF to increase the success rate of the IVF treatments. The reproductive journal Fertility and Sterility reported a study of 160 women. Split into two group one receiving acupuncture treatments during IVF and one receiving no acupuncture treatments. 34 pregnancies in the acupuncture treatment group compared to the group that received no acupuncture with IVF alone saw results of 21 pregnancies. The results were 42.5% compared to 26.3% in this control group receiving IVF.

Acupuncture treatments stimulate your body to function properly. It can increase healthy blood flow, stimulate egg production and balance out hormones which all can help the body become pregnant and decrease the chances of a miscarriage.

Dr. Collard is always available to answer any questions that you may have. We understand that wanting to become pregnant can become painfully emotional. Let us help. Call to schedule your appointment 801-569-1141.

To learn more about acupuncture click here.


Build your immune system!

Here are some tip how you and your family can build strong immune systems.

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Acupuncture
  • Get more sleep
  • Healthy diet with fruits and veggies
  • Exercise

Spinal adjustments have been shown to boost immune function because they serve to correct the spinal misalignment that cause neural dysfunction. Neural dysfunction stresses a body out, which may lead to a weakened immune system and lowered response to a foreign body, such as a virus. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is a great place to start so you can get any spinal misalignment you may have corrected. Even one adjustment can bring about an immediate immune boost. 

Acupuncture can regulate immune function and treat the underlying cause of the disease by reducing symptoms, speeding up the healing of infection and normalizing the body’s immune response.

Get more sleep! We are a nation of sleep-deprived individuals, but you don’t have to be one of them. Sleep helps your body to reset and recharge, and keeps your system firing and protecting in the way that it should.

Boost your immune system with a diet packed full of healthy fruits and vegetables. Cut back on sugar and processed foods. Add vitamins D from sunlight, C and Calcium from a high quality supplement. Dr. Collard uses the example if you throw beans on the sidewalk they won’t grow. A virus needs a week environment to grow. Build your environment up with healthy foods and supplements. Stop by and we will get you set up with a daily whole food supplement.

Regular exercise is also important when it comes to immune health because it serves to improve blood circulation, which in turn kick stars the release of immune system substances into your body. The weather is great, get outside for fresh air and sunlight.

If you have any questions please give us a call 801-569-1141

Dr. Collard

source: chirohealthusa

Prescribed an opioid?

How many people do you know that have an addiction or died from a pharmaceutical overdose? If you don’t, the odds are that you will or are unaware of the addiction. This year our daughter got her wisdom teeth removed. When my daughter and wife were leaving, the staff giving home care instructions included a prescription for an opioid type pain medicine. My wife said we would not need it because we would do ibuprofen alternating with Tylenol. They were very persuasive that she needs this type of pain med because the pain will prevent her from healing. So my wife and daughter left with a prescription for 5 opioid pain pills.

We have been blesses with information from other families who have expressed that their child’s addiction began with wisdom teeth removal. So we managed our daughters pain with alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen along with ice packs and cold foods. We set our alarm throughout the night so that we didn’t let our time laps the 3 hour increments. We were able to successful keep her 4 impacted wisdom teeth, swollen chipmunk cheeks, and black eyes from pain without the use of an opioid.

I know that there are times and surgeries when these types of pain meds are useful and necessary. But ask yourself these 5 questions first . If you find they are required, use a chart to document how much you are taking, have a loved one administer them to you for accountability, then replace with a non-addictive alternative as soon as possible.

UHC Opioid Infographic-300dpi




Monday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Tuesday: 2:30–6
Wednesday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Thursday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Friday: 8–12

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