Author Archives: Chad Collard

Girl Scout Cookie Day

Girl Scout Cookie Season Has Arrived: Here's What Your Favorite Flavor Says  About You - E! Online

We are very excited to be able to do a long awaited patient appreciation day. Wednesday September 16th, 2020. While supplies last, but we have a bunch, so don’t worry.

We missed our original Cooke day in March due to coronavirus. We then had to cancel our annual tradition pie day in July because 1- we couldn’t get post cards mailed from our printer in California and 2- we didn’t want to encourage that much traffic into the office with social distancing.

We are even more excited now to share these cookies. I’m glad we didn’t eat them all during quarantine. Give us a call to schedule your appointment 801-569-1141.

To learn more click here.


Acupuncture has shown beneficial to increase fertility with no risks. In our office Dr. Collard uses strategic points on the abdomen, hands or feet to increase blood flow and balance spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body aiding in reproductive health.

Treatments are safe and affordable and can help anytime before expensive IVF treatments or during IVF to increase the success rate of the IVF treatments. The reproductive journal Fertility and Sterility reported a study of 160 women. Split into two group one receiving acupuncture treatments during IVF and one receiving no acupuncture treatments. 34 pregnancies in the acupuncture treatment group compared to the group that received no acupuncture with IVF alone saw results of 21 pregnancies. The results were 42.5% compared to 26.3% in this control group receiving IVF.

Acupuncture treatments stimulate your body to function properly. It can increase healthy blood flow, stimulate egg production and balance out hormones which all can help the body become pregnant and decrease the chances of a miscarriage.

Dr. Collard is always available to answer any questions that you may have. We understand that wanting to become pregnant can become painfully emotional. Let us help. Call to schedule your appointment 801-569-1141.

To learn more about acupuncture click here.


Covid-19 Yes, we are open!

Category : Uncategorized

Pandemic, earthquakes, home school, are all stressful. We hold stress and anxiety in our body, both cause pain. Often people with acute pain or injury find themselves in the ER looking for help. We stay open to keep you out of the ER. Especially during this crazy time when hospitals and doctor offices are overwhelmed.

We stay open to properly diagnose the reason for your pain and then treat the problem to give you quick relief.

Please call to schedule your appointment  801-569-1141

Get Moving at Home!

Category : Blog

To prevent pain while social distancing and staying at home the best advice I can give you is get moving. When a joint is locked up, it causes pain. That’s all an adjustment is, I get the joint moving again. So let keep it moving, here are some tips.

  • Get up from your desk every hour. While working from home you may or may not have the ideal work station for your neck shoulder or back. You may even be working on your laptop from your bed. To help combat pain, set a timer for an hour and get up and stretch. 
  • Take walks every day. Walking is one of the best things for back pain. Walk with good posture and enjoy some fresh air.
  • Stretching and exercise is a great way to move, increase oxygen and blood flow. Especially now there are lots of workout that you can do from home without gym equipment.
  • Ice, never heat. Ice for 20 min any location that has pain. Ice reduces inflammation that causes pain. Repeat this every hour.
  • Reduce stress. I know easier said then done but your health depends on it. Walks, fresh air, exercise, mediation, acupuncture, facetime a friend, limit caffeine, write it down are just a few examples. 

We encourage you to take care of yourself.

Build your immune system!

Here are some tip how you and your family can build strong immune systems.

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Acupuncture
  • Get more sleep
  • Healthy diet with fruits and veggies
  • Exercise

Spinal adjustments have been shown to boost immune function because they serve to correct the spinal misalignment that cause neural dysfunction. Neural dysfunction stresses a body out, which may lead to a weakened immune system and lowered response to a foreign body, such as a virus. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is a great place to start so you can get any spinal misalignment you may have corrected. Even one adjustment can bring about an immediate immune boost. 

Acupuncture can regulate immune function and treat the underlying cause of the disease by reducing symptoms, speeding up the healing of infection and normalizing the body’s immune response.

Get more sleep! We are a nation of sleep-deprived individuals, but you don’t have to be one of them. Sleep helps your body to reset and recharge, and keeps your system firing and protecting in the way that it should.

Boost your immune system with a diet packed full of healthy fruits and vegetables. Cut back on sugar and processed foods. Add vitamins D from sunlight, C and Calcium from a high quality supplement. Dr. Collard uses the example if you throw beans on the sidewalk they won’t grow. A virus needs a week environment to grow. Build your environment up with healthy foods and supplements. Stop by and we will get you set up with a daily whole food supplement.

Regular exercise is also important when it comes to immune health because it serves to improve blood circulation, which in turn kick stars the release of immune system substances into your body. The weather is great, get outside for fresh air and sunlight.

If you have any questions please give us a call 801-569-1141

Dr. Collard

source: chirohealthusa

Dr Collard Family Vacation

Wait until the end to watch Dr. Collard go flying.

Girl Scout Cookies

Want a FREE box of Girl Scout Cookies?

All scheduled appointments Wednesday April 10th will get a box of girl scout cookies!!

Call today to schedule your appointment 801-569-1141

In Honor of Our Vietnam Veterans

Category : Blog , Patient Spotlight

March 29th is National Vietnam Veterans Day. In my office I am grateful for the opportunity to treat many of our veterans. I enjoy talking with them and hearing their stories. I have been impressed with the Veterans Administration who are embracing alternative medicine for pain management and healing.

This photo was take in Vietnam about 1966. Robert Jones “Uncle Bob” is shown bottom right. We do not know who is pictured with him.

My Uncle Bob was drafted immediately after graduating from BYU in accounting. In fact, he wasn’t able to walk with his class because he would be in California in basic training. He served for only a few years in Vietnam but the effects of his service would be life long. He suffered from PTSD and later developed a cancer that was probably caused from Agent Orange as well as developing dementia. I was able to provide him with a weekly appointment in my office for many years. Through chiropractic and acupuncture, we were able to help manage his pain.  We have had personal experience with the VA hospital and doctor visits while being a care giver for Uncle Bob. We have had frustrations with long waits, miscommunications, and the parking garage being under construction for years. But we also had many great experiences with wonderful doctors, home health nurses, and case management workers.  Overall we had a great experience with the VA and were so blessed that he was being cared for during the last part of his life for his service those many years ago. Many of the veterans that I treat deal with the same kind of frustrations but our office strives to make the process of being treated as easy as possible.  It’s not just the veterans of the Vietnam war that are able to be treated in our office. We have veterans from the Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars. I’m grateful for their service and feel honored to be able to help them in their healthcare needs. I’m also grateful that the Veterans Administration has created a program that allows the Veterans to be treated in outside offices closer to their homes.

I have much respect for those who gave their life and those whose lives are forever affected due to their service. I love being able to help veterans. To learn more about our office click here.

Robert Jones
Vietnam Veteran

Prescribed an opioid?

How many people do you know that have an addiction or died from a pharmaceutical overdose? If you don’t, the odds are that you will or are unaware of the addiction. This year our daughter got her wisdom teeth removed. When my daughter and wife were leaving, the staff giving home care instructions included a prescription for an opioid type pain medicine. My wife said we would not need it because we would do ibuprofen alternating with Tylenol. They were very persuasive that she needs this type of pain med because the pain will prevent her from healing. So my wife and daughter left with a prescription for 5 opioid pain pills.

We have been blesses with information from other families who have expressed that their child’s addiction began with wisdom teeth removal. So we managed our daughters pain with alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen along with ice packs and cold foods. We set our alarm throughout the night so that we didn’t let our time laps the 3 hour increments. We were able to successful keep her 4 impacted wisdom teeth, swollen chipmunk cheeks, and black eyes from pain without the use of an opioid.

I know that there are times and surgeries when these types of pain meds are useful and necessary. But ask yourself these 5 questions first . If you find they are required, use a chart to document how much you are taking, have a loved one administer them to you for accountability, then replace with a non-addictive alternative as soon as possible.

UHC Opioid Infographic-300dpi

Free Pie Day 7.2.18

Category : Blog , Patient Appreciation

How do you eat a huge apple pie?

With friends of course!

I think this is our 8th year doing “Pie Day” at Collard Chiropractic & Acupuncture, it is a fun tradition.

Dr. Collard’s favorite holiday is the 4th of July! When he was 5 years old his family moved to Riverton Utah. Every 4th of July Riverton held their annual “Riverton Parade”. His parents live in the same home on the parade route honoring the tradition of going to the parade and having a BBQ with family and friends, then enjoying 4th of July fireworks at the Riverton park. With his own family he has moved back to Riverton close to the parade route to continue on with the 4th of July traditions.

We love our patients and consider you friends and family. This is Dr. Collard’s way to celebrate his favorite holiday with you. Call to schedule 801-569-1141

Thank you for sharing us with your friends. We love referrals!!!

free apple pie post card 2018 front




Monday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Tuesday: 2:30–6
Wednesday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Thursday: 9–12, 2:30–6
Friday: 8–12

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